NEW DOWNLOAD: Yeast Nutrition Guide

The following excerpts are from our newest e-book, Yeast Nutrition, which is now available for download! 

From understanding the importance of yeast nutrition to practical tips for achieving optimal fermentation conditions, this guide equips brewers with the knowledge and tools needed for consistent and flavourful brews.

At Escarpment Labs, our mission is to simplify the fermentation process, empowering brewers to focus on their craft. With our yeast nutrient solutions like Yeast Lightning, we aim to streamline fermentation, saving brewers time and effort while ensuring top-quality results. Because at the heart of our mission lies the belief that brewers deserve the freedom to not just brew, but to craft extraordinary beers.


What can go wrong if I don't feed my yeast?

In short, a lot can be at stake.

Poor yeast nutrition can lead to several issues in the brewing process, affecting both the fermentation efficiency and the flavour profile of the beer. Some common problems include:

  • Stuck Fermentation: Inadequate nutrients can result in incomplete fermentation, leaving residual sugars and affecting the beer's final gravity.
  • Off-Flavours: Insufficient nutrition may cause the yeast to produce undesirable flavours and aromas, such as sulfur compounds, acetaldehyde, and fusel alcohols.
  • Yeast Stress: A lack of essential nutrients stresses the yeast, potentially leading to poor cell health, reduced viability, and decreased flocculation.

Free Amino Nitrogen

Amino acids, also known as Free Amino Nitrogen (FAN) is crucial for yeast health and optimal fermentation. It serves as the primary nitrogen source for yeast, aiding in protein synthesis and enzymatic activity. Adequate levels of FAN promote healthy fermentation, reduce the risk of stuck fermentation, and prevent the formation of unwanted off-flavours. Different yeast strains have different requirements for FAN:

Adding FAN via Yeast Nutrients and Understanding FAN measurements

Yeast nutrient availability is often measured in Primary Amino Nitrogen (PAN) or Yeast Assimilable Nitrogen (YAN), especially in the wine-making industry.

In barley wort, most of the primary amino nitrogen will consist of free amino acids, also known as FAN (free amino nitrogen). If you add a nutrient containing DAP (diammonium phosphate), that will also contribute to the nitrogen available to the yeast.

Our rule of thumb for calculating the ideal FAN requirements for your yeast is to multiply the yeast's FAN consumption by 1.16 (add 16%) to account for the proline in the wort, which the yeast will not take up. Then, add 20 ppm as a buffer.

So, for example, if Biergarten Lager consumes 125 ppm of FAN, we will perform the following calculation:

(125 x 1.16) + 20 = 165 ppm total FAN required.



We're thrilled to offer this brand new 32 page guide, which covers topics like:

  1. What goes wrong if I don't feed my yeast?
  2. Symptoms of poor nutrition
  3. Micronutrients
  4. Impacts of Harvesting & Repitching


Also, check out our first in the 'Brewer's Guide' Series:


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