Brew responsibly

At Escarpment Labs, we believe that a great beer starts with great ingredients and practices that respect our planet. Our commitment to sustainability is woven into every aspect of our business, from innovative recycling methods to pioneering alternative brewing solutions.

Our Sustainable Initatives

1. Moving Towards Sustainability

Our journey towards sustainability is a continuous effort to reduce our environmental footprint while enhancing the quality of our products. By adopting sustainable practices, we are setting new standards in the brewing industry. Here are some key initiatives:

  • Efficient Resource Management: We optimize our resource use to minimize waste and energy consumption, ensuring that every step of our process is as eco-friendly as possible.
  • Local Sourcing: Whenever possible, we source our raw materials locally to reduce transportation emissions and support local communities.
  • Waste Reduction: By continuously evaluating and improving our processes, we strive to reduce waste and its impact on the environment.
Read about we changed our approach to cold chain shipping.

2. Reliably Recyclable Packaging

Our packaging is designed with the planet in mind. We are committed to using materials that are reliably recyclable, ensuring that our packaging can be reintroduced into the recycling loop. Here’s how we make it happen:

  • Recyclable Containers: Our yeast products are packaged in containers that are not only sturdy but also easily recyclable, aligning with our sustainability goals.
  • Eco-Friendly Labels: We use labels that break down more efficiently during the recycling process, making it easier for materials to be reused.
  • Minimalistic Design: By designing packaging that uses less material without compromising quality, we further reduce our environmental impact.
Explore our efforts for 95% sustainable shipping materials.

3. Exploring a Circular Economy: Barley Malt Rootlets

In our quest to reduce waste and enhance sustainability, we are exploring innovative ways to repurpose brewing byproducts. One exciting project involves using barley malt rootlets as a Liquid Malt Extract (LME) alternative. This approach offers several benefits:

  • Resource Efficiency: Utilizing barley malt rootlets means fewer resources are wasted, turning what was once a byproduct into a valuable ingredient.
  • Innovative Brewing: This alternative provides brewers with new opportunities to craft unique flavors while supporting sustainable practices.
  • Reduced Waste: By finding creative uses for brewing byproducts, we contribute to a circular economy, reducing overall waste and environmental impact.
Read about our recent efforts to find an LME alternative.

4. Partnering for a Sustainable Future

Our dedication to sustainability extends beyond our internal practices. We actively partner with organizations and initiatives that share our vision for a sustainable brewing industry. This collaboration allows us to:

  • Share Knowledge: By working with others, we can spread sustainable practices and encourage broader adoption across the industry.
  • Innovate Together: Collaborative efforts lead to innovative solutions that benefit the environment and the brewing community.
  • Support Community Initiatives: We are committed to giving back to our community and supporting local environmental projects.