Escarpment Labs is now offering the lineup of LalBrew® strains from Lallemand, making it easier to bundle your liquid and dry yeasts in the same shipment.
LalBrew Windsor™ is a true English ale strain that produces a balanced fruity aroma with lower attenuation due to an inability to metabolize maltotriose. LalBrew Windsor™ is one of the original Heritage Strains selected from the Lallemand Yeast Culture Collection when Lallemand Brewing was founded in 1992. Beers created with LalBrew Windsor™ are usually described as full-bodied, fruity English ales. LalBrew Windsor™ is a consistent and robust strain that produces moderate levels of alcohol and the balanced flavor and aroma characteristics of the best traditional English ales. Traditional styles brewed with this yeast include but are not limited to Milds, Bitters, Irish Reds, English Brown ales, Porters and Sweet Stouts.
For more information about using LalBrew Windsor™, technical data sheets are available in English and French
Don't forget about our volume price breaks!
1-2 packs = $206.50 CAD ($176 USD) per pack
>2 packs = $185.85 CAD ($158.40 USD) per pack
Full Box (20 packs) = $165.20 CAD ($140.80 USD) per pack